Det er så spennende for meg å lese tilbakemeldingene fra kundene mine. Informasjonen hjelper meg til å vokse i måten jeg jobber med andre på.
Espen, Norway.
I´ve had sessions with Ida since this fall, and I’m very grateful for everything she’s done for me. She has shown me that opening up is not as scary as I excpected.
Many of my worries, and the triggers that leads to unwanted behavior, has a natural explenation, which we find when we open internal doors. We have only just begun to scratch the surface, and I look forward to continuing the work and sessions with Ida.
Jeg har hatt samtaler med Ida siden i høst og er veldig takknemlig for alt hun har gjort for meg. Hun har vist meg at det å åpne seg ikke er så skummelt som først antatt.
Mye av mine bekymringer og triggere til uønsket atferd, har en naturlig årsak, og den finner vi sammen med å åpne dører innover. Vi har så vidt begynt å skrape i overflaten, og jeg ser frem til videre arbeid og samtaler med Ida
Alexandra, Norway.
"thank you @idablichfeldt for the mindblowlingly powerful coaching sessions that have basically re-wired HUGE parts of my nervous system that have probably been the same for more than 30 years in literally a little more than 3 weeks. 🤯🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻"
Marie, Norway.
Etter å ha jobbet med Ida i flere måneder føles det som om flere propper har løsnet. Den følelsen av å sitte fast er borte. Jeg er mer tilstede i kroppen min og i livet og klarere i hodet. De kritiske stemmene i bakhodet har stilnet. Ida holder rom for alle følelser på en varm og trygg måte. Ved hennes hjelp har jeg klart å løfte vonde traumer frem i lyset for å heles for å så legge de bak meg. Jeg blir stadig forundret når jeg kjenner igjen en trigger og venter på en reaksjon som ikke lenger kommer fordi jeg har bearbeidet det med Idas hjelp. Det har vært en sann velsignelse at Ida dukket opp i livet mitt da hun gjorde det! Takk!
Vennlig hilsen Marie 🌸
Johanna, Sweden.
Ida is an extremely skillful coach. In our somatic attachment therapy session, she guided me in a gentle, yet powerful way which allowed me to approach very tender places inside of me with deep presence and acceptance. I felt so safe, seen and held by her, and in just one session I had a major breakthrough around my attachment trauma. I recommend her work with all of my heart <3
Elodie, Canada.
For me working with Ida has been very powerful. She is very insightful, she knows exactly what to say and what to do and most importantly I was feeling very safe with her. She was very present to me and to all aspects of me that were arising during the session. She was welcoming and loving all of me. For me this is the best place to be able to relax, surrender and heal whatever needs to be healed.
Linda Gergye, USA.
It´s not easy to put into words what Ida does but it´s not short of life changing. She´s a genuine, caring and supportive coach who virtually held my hand while facing my demons, helped starting to heal my inner child and gave invaulable advice on parenting. I highly recommend working with her.
Brad, USA.
Ida was able to help me find the hidden trauma from my childhood that bcame my shadow. She is a safe person with whom to share toughts and emotions.
Elisabeth, Norway.
I can highly recommend Ida! Her beautiful insights and support always leave you with a deeper understanding and the feeling of empowerment! Love love love <3
Ilse Klein, Netherlands.
Before the session I had no clue what would happen or what to expect. It was such a beautiful session. Ida creates a very safe space where you feel comfortable to share what's going on and to dig deep inside yourself to unrafel and address our issues. She easily guides you through the session and makes sure you stay comfortable. There's no rush to get where you need/ want to go cause she really takes the time to explore.
It's been such a gift working with Ida, she truly cares about her clients and that shows!
Thank you so much Ida, and I look forward to work with you more!"
Iris Van Gijzel, Netherlands.
Ida is a very talented coach. With her warm and judgement free presence, she supported me to go deep and work at the core of my issue. Ida made me feel held and fully accepted. I felt safe to share pieces of me that I’d normally keep hidden. Her approach and wisdom have created real, lasting changes in me. I will benefit from these for the rest of my life and our sessions have changed how I parent. I highly recommend working with Ida, she is a true healer!
Marina, Norway.
I´ve had two inner child healing/coaching sessions with Ida the last couple of weeks. Deeply healing and empowering. I´m experiencing huge shifts, wholeness and completion of certain cycles.
In breathwork today, I saw a completely new geometry in my energy field. Super exciting! I feel grounded/embodied and elevated at the same time. That´s a win for sure! Go visit her profile/website if you´re curious!
Heidi, Norway.
Ida provided me with a very safe space to share my experiences and challenges. She guided me through several healing meditations that helped me gain new perspective on some of my childhood experiences.
I gained some understanding of why I get activated by certain interactions with my children and reflected on how I could handle these interactions differently. I’m grateful for all the insights I could gain through my sessions with Ida
Berit Lind Jørgensen,
Jeg har hatt noen samtaler med Ida, og opplevde henne som en utrolig dyktig coach. Hun fremstod som genuin og ydmyk, og jeg oppfattet henne som veldig klok. Hun er god på å lytte, nikke gjenkjennende, og komme med tilbakemeldinger som treffer. Hun møtte meg med et stort hjerte, mye innsikt og med respekt for den jeg var og det jeg stod i. Hun tok i bruk de verktøy hun mente passet, og inviterte meg til å prøve. Alle verktøyene og samtalene hadde god effekt på meg, og jeg følte virkelig at det hjalp!
Simone, Netherlands.
I did not really know what to expect of a session with Ida. But I was amazed. Amazed by her intuitive guidance and. the big shift I immediately felt after the session. It is so powerful! We touched a situation in my childhood I didn't know had such a big effect on me.
And Ida's way of working is professional and loving. She knows exactly what she is doing and is holding space in a very warm and loving way. That made me directly feel safe and comfortable to go deep.
If you are feeling stuck somewhere in your life I can really recommend a session. For me it made such a big difference.
Thank you so much Ida!